CIMIC MTT Sent to Iraq

Baghdad, 2019 November 26.

The workshop on crisis management, named “A comprehensive approach to the Iraqi civil military coordination in the national strategic level crisis management system” has been conducted from 24 to 26 November 2019 in the Strategic Studies Center of Baghad. The activity has been supported by Multinational CIMIC (civil-military cooperation) Group instructors as part of the MTT (Mobile Training Team) of NMI (NATO Mission Iraq). The aim of the workshop was to share information and best practices about the management of crisis at strategic level. In this context MNCG instructors gave several lectures related to the CIMIC doctrine, the NATO resilience, the key principles of CIMIC Liaison and Liaison Officer skills and Liaison tools.

About 60 Iraqi authorities, officers and governmental agencies representatives took part into the event, as well as subject matter experts coming from international organizations, as UNOCHA (United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs). The activity has been organized in close cooperation between the NMI and the PM NOC (Prime Minister National Operative Centre).



Source: Multinational CIMIC Group


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