Field / Staff Worker Course Concluded

Theoretical and practical activities for thirty students from the US, French, Belgian, Czech and Portuguese Armed Forces but also from the civil world


Motta di Livenza (TV), 24 May 2019. It ended, at the “Mario Fiore” barracks in Motta di Livenza, home of the Multinational CIMIC Group, an army unit with interforce and multinational value specialized in civil-military cooperation, the "NATO CIMIC Field / Staff Worker" course, dedicated to those students who wish to raise their knowledge in the field of CIMIC to operate profitably in those multinational and multidimensional contexts that characterize the current NATO operating theaters.


The course, based on an in-depth analysis of the professional profile, objectives and responsibilities of the CIMIC Operator, foresees a first common week, characterized by the explanation of the NATO doctrine, the sharing of field experiences and intercultural competences, the deepening of typical aspects of the civil environment, negotiation and communication. During the second week, instead, the course is divided into two parts, one dedicated to field workers (Field), the other reserved for staff destined to work within a staff (Staff) and is developed on role play and practical simulations of operational situations with increasing difficulty.


The "NATO CIMIC Field / Staff Course", carried out entirely in English and lasting two weeks, involved 33 students: 16 from the Army, Navy and Carabinieri, 14 soldiers from the Belgian, Czechoslovak, French and Greek Armed Forces. Norwegians, Portuguese, US and German, 3 civilians from Italy, Canada and Japan, plus 3 cadets from the West Point Military Academy as observers.


The Multinational CIMIC Group, which includes, among the contributing nations, in addition to Italy, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Hungary, represents today a real pole of excellence for the training of operators who work in the sensitive area of civil-military cooperation. To date, about 1,700 Italian and foreign civil and military visitors have passed through the stalls of the "Mario Fiore" barracks, testifying to a high level educational offer, responding to the needs of those who face the changing challenges of today operational scenarios.


Source: Multinational CIMIC Group



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