Sport e gender 1


MNCG operators developed a project in favour of the Complexe Sportif Feminin in Djibuti

Djibuti, October, 2021.
In recent weeks, the closing ceremony of a quick impact project, developed by CIMIC operators as part of the Italian Military Support Base staff (BMIS), was held in support of the "Complexe Sportif Feminin", located in Boulaos.
After careful assessments of the civil environment, CIMIC operators developed and coordinated a QIP in order to implement the sport structures for the mentioned association in order to enhance the integration and the interactions amongst local women, avoiding social isolation. Actually the Complexe Sportif Feminin, opened in 2019, is dealing with social inclusion for Djibutian women thanks to the sport, encouraging gender equality in a context of widespread poverty that affects women’s access to basic services.

SOURCE: Multinational CIMIC Group


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