NRDC - ITA DCOS Influence Visits HQ MNCG

Motta di Livenza, 11 December 2018.

The Commander of the Multinational CIMIC Group, Colonel Luca Vitali, today welcomed a representation of NRDC-ITA, led by the Hungarian Brigadier General Ernö Pèter SIPOSS, Deputy Chief of Staff Influence of NRDC-ITA, visiting the MNCG Command to evaluate the possibility of mutual collaboration in the field of non-kinetic operations.

At the end of the visit, the staff of NRDC-ITA expressed particular interest for the training offer of the MNCG and for the development of the Remote CIMIC Control, that is the ability to support the CIMIC units, used in military operations, from the motherland.

This support materializes, in the context of the analysis of the civil dimension of the area of interest, through the advice that the Subject Matter Experts (SME, functional specialists such as engineers, architects, doctors and other professionals in the sector) provide CIMIC operators , employed in crisis areas, for the development of projects in favor of the populations where the units are used.

The Multinational CIMIC Group, which includes, among the contributing countries, beyond Italy, Greece, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Hungary, today represents a real pole of excellence for the training of operators who they work in the delicated sector of civil-military cooperation, a factor that arouses particular interest in the capacities expressed in the various theaters of operations.

Source: Multinational CIMIC Group


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